Charity Meets Technology: 10+ Salesforce Apps for Nonprofits

The title of the article: Charity Meets Technology: 10+ Salesforce Apps for Nonprofits


With its extensive capabilities and customizable features, Salesforce’s software is a game-changer for nonprofits, empowering them to streamline their operations, enhance donor engagement, and maximize their impact. However, navigating the vast landscape of Salesforce apps and integrations can be overwhelming.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore 12 Salesforce apps designed to meet the needs of nonprofits. These include:

  1. 360MatchPro
  2. DonorSearch
  3. OneCause
  4. Soapbox Engage
  5. Omatic Software
  6. Fonteva
  7. Classy
  8. iDonate
  9. Funraise
  10. DocuSign
  11. Mailchimp

Keep in mind that this guide is more than just a compilation of apps; it’s a roadmap to success. In addition to providing a comprehensive overview of each app’s features and functionalities, we’ll offer practical insights to help you maximize their potential.

Looking for a new fundraising strategy along with your new software? Download our matching gifts guide.

What are Salesforce Apps for Nonprofits?

The Salesforce AppExchange showcases a range of apps, both created by Salesforce and third parties, that can alter, advance, or supplement your Salesforce platform.  Salesforce apps for nonprofits are any apps created specifically for nonprofit needs, such as a volunteer management solution. 

Integrating these apps with your nonprofit’s Salesforce CRM can help you achieve a unified view of your constituents, improve efficiency, and make data-driven decisions that drive your mission forward.

Why do Nonprofits Need Salesforce Apps? 

Ultimately, the Salesforce CRM is a tool that’s meant to be customized. As such, nonprofits using Salesforce Success Pack (NPSP) or Nonprofit Cloud may outgrow base features over time.

Salesforce apps offer a comprehensive suite of tools that enable nonprofits to streamline their fundraising efforts, track donations, and cultivate donor relationships. These apps also provide valuable insights through data analytics, helping nonprofits make informed decisions and measure their impact effectively. 

What to Look for in a Salesforce App for Nonprofits

Prioritize the following features in your search for Salesforce Apps:

  • User-friendliness: Ensure that your staff, who often have varying levels of technical expertise, can adopt and utilize the tools effectively. A user-friendly interface reduces training time and minimizes the risk of errors, maximizing the app’s potential to improve your nonprofit’s operational efficiency. 
  •  Scalability: Scalable apps allow nonprofits to adapt to changing needs, accommodate larger donor bases, and expand their programs without the need for constant system overhauls. 
  •  Cost: Evaluate the total cost of each app, including licensing, implementation, and ongoing maintenance to make informed decisions that align with your budget constraints.

Additionally, consider whether the app is supported by a reputable vendor with a track record of serving nonprofits. A reputable vendor is more likely to offer ongoing support, updates, and enhancements that ensure the app’s long-term effectiveness.


360MatchPro is one of the top Salesforce apps for nonprofits.


Overview of This Salesforce App for Nonprofits

360MatchPro by Double the Donation is a matching gift database and automation platform designed to help large nonprofits maximize their corporate matching gift revenue. 

Serving nonprofits and higher education institutions, 360MatchPro automates every step of the matching gift process, making matching gifts easy for nonprofits and donors alike.

A screenshot of Double the Donation's homepage.

How It Works

Here’s how 360MatchPro works:

  1. 360MatchPro uses the information supporters provide during the donation process, such as an email domain or employer details, to determine their eligibility for a matching gift.
  2. If a supporter is eligible for a matching gift, 360MatchPro’s email tools can be used to set up automatic emails that provide the next steps in the matching gift process, such as directions for how to access the donors’ employers’ matching gift form.
  3. The 360MatchPro platform tracks each step of the process, from the emails that are triggered out, to the status of the match, through to the employer submitting a matching donation.

Learn more about 360MatchPro, one of the top Salesforce apps for nonprofits.

Benefits of This Salesforce App

Benefits of using 360MatchPro include:

  • Identifying more matching gift revenue opportunities. By collecting matching gift eligibility from email domains, within donation forms, and on your donation confirmation screen, you’ll identify more matching gift opportunities and maximize your revenue.
  • Driving more matches to completion. Direct donors to the necessary matching gift forms immediately after a donation is made. By providing the right information to the right donor at the right time with customized emails, you’ll drive more completed submissions than ever before.
  • Focusing on top opportunities. Rather than spending time pursuing small dollar-value matching gifts, 360MatchPro automates this process so you can focus on your highest-value opportunities, letting your team personalize follow-up emails to valuable donations.

Learn more about the benefits of 360MatchPro, one of the top Salesforce apps for nonprofits.

By using the 360MatchPro Salesforce app, your organization will gain an entire matching gift team in the form of an automation platform. This gives your nonprofit more time to focus on its mission and building relationships with constituents rather than sending email reminders.

Why This Salesforce App Stands Out

360MatchPro by Double the Donation offers an intuitive interface that makes it easy for nonprofits of all sizes to identify opportunities for matching gift revenue and take measures to secure it.

In addition, you can customize your automated email outreach to feature your nonprofit’s brand, as well as personalize the content and adjust the timing of communications. This helps maintain consistency with your organization’s branding and garner trust with your donors.

Reviews from the Salesforce AppExchange

We’ve been using Double the Donation and 360MatchPro for several years. Great service, and fantastic functionality. Highly recommend. A no-brainer for nonprofits.

– Samuel Caplan, Community Review

360MatchPro was simple to set up and integrate with Salesforce, has a straightforward dashboard, and has made it easy for us to connect with donors to increase donation matches. Great for a small shop without a large enough staff to devote time to all the follow-ups!

– Dan Getman, Community Review

Learn more about 360MatchPro!

DonorSearch is one of the top Salesforce apps for nonprofits.


Overview of This Salesforce App for Nonprofits

DonorSearch offers nonprofits access to the largest donor database, allowing you to conduct prospect research for major giving candidates. 

The information from this app will automatically flow into your Salesforce CRM, which means you can leverage your prospect research data from DonorSearch and your donor data from your CRM at the same time.

Why This Salesforce App Stands Out

DonorSearch leverages both wealth indicators and philanthropic indicators to help nonprofits accurately determine a donor’s giving potential. By tracking giving patterns and screening donor records, you can maximize your fundraising potential.

A screenshot of DonorSearch's homepage.


Learn more about DonorSearch!

OneCause is one of the top Salesforce apps for nonprofits.


Overview of This Salesforce App for Nonprofits

OneCause is a fundraising platform that offers a robust suite of event management solutions, most notably a mobile bidding platform. This Salesforce app allows you to sync your CRM contacts with OneCause’s fundraising tools.

When planning a fundraising event using the OneCause-Salesforce integration, you can streamline the registration and online ticketing process while leveraging donor data.

Why This Salesforce App Stands Out

OneCause offers standout mobile bidding and auction software, which allows your supporters to place bids via their mobile devices. OneCause also offers other fundraising solutions, such as peer-to-peer fundraising and text-to-give to help raise even more.

A screenshot of OneCause's website.


Learn more about OneCause!

Soapbox Engage is one of the top Salesforce apps for nonprofits.

Soapbox Engage

Overview of This Salesforce App for Nonprofits

Soapbox Engage offers a variety of online engagement tools for nonprofits. Accept donations, streamline event registration and ticketing, create surveys and volunteer applications, and sell merchandise, subscriptions, and more in an online shop.

Soapbox Engage’s extensive tools are built explicitly for Salesforce. This allows you to reduce overhead and streamline your fundraising efforts.

Why This Salesforce App Stands Out

Soapbox Engage is incredibly scalable. If your nonprofit is just starting out, you can leverage basic tools from Soapbox Engage. Then, as you grow, you can add other Soapbox Engage apps to your Salesforce toolkit to expand its functionality.

A screenshot of Soapbox Engage's homepage.


Learn more about Soapbox Engage!

Omatic Software is one of the top Salesforce apps for nonprofits.

Omatic Software

Overview of This Salesforce App for Nonprofits

Omatic Software is an integration software company geared toward nonprofits. They help nonprofits streamline their data processes with personalized messaging, high-quality data, and consistent communication.

Rather than being just another Salesforce app, Omatic Cloud helps your Salesforce system work with the rest of your organization’s software. It does this by ensuring all of the data coming in from different systems is organized and labeled creating a seamless transfer of data from one solution to another.

Why This Salesforce App Stands Out

Omatic Cloud helps ensure all of your information is easily accessible on the platforms you need. The software helps automate data transfers between different software, run multiple solutions on different platforms at once, and more!

A screenshot of Omatic Cloud's homepage.


Learn more about. Omatic Software!

Fonteva is one of the top Salesforce apps for nonprofits.


Overview of This Salesforce App for Nonprofits

Fonteva is specifically designed for associations and other member-based organizations. The app offers tools for managing memberships, events, association operations, and more. 

Fonteva Membership can help you develop relationships with your constituents and measure their engagement with your programs. Within this Salesforce app, you can view member engagement scores, manage communities, and create custom reports.

Why This Salesforce App Stands Out

Fonteva is 100% native to the Salesforce platform, which means it was built to run on Salesforce and doesn’t require extra integrations or configurations. Fonteva Membership will work with your Salesforce CRM so you can leverage data and engagement levels as needed.

Learn more about Fonteva, one of the top Salesforce apps for nonprofits.

Learn more about Fonteva!

Classy is one of the top Salesforce apps for nonprofits.


Overview of This Salesforce App for Nonprofits

Classy is a fundraising solution geared toward nonprofits. Its peer-to-peer fundraising software is intuitive, and this Salesforce app also helps nonprofits run other fundraising campaigns, such as online gifts, crowdfunding, and events.

All of the data you collect through these various avenues flow seamlessly into your Salesforce CRM, providing you with valuable donor data your organization can leverage.

Why This Salesforce App Stands Out

Classy can be completely customized to match your organization’s branding. Configure your fundraising pages to feature your colors, images, and logo so your supporters recognize your branding. Even more, peer-to-peer fundraising participants can also customize their own campaign pages so they can tell their stories in addition to yours.

A screenshot of Classy's homepage.


Learn more about Classy!

iDonate is one of the top Salesforce apps for nonprofits.


Overview of This Salesforce App for Nonprofits

iDonate is an online fundraising platform that offers tools such as donation forms, peer-to-peer fundraising, event software, and text giving. Between iDonate and Salesforce, you can get the most holistic view of your donors possible.

Use this Salesforce app to identify recurring donors and create targeted giving campaigns, effectively segment donors into groups, and allow donors to give through their preferred channel.

Why This Salesforce App Stands Out

iDonate helps your organization leverage the Salesforce platform and automation tools so you can ask the right donors for the right amounts, successfully segment your supporters into groups, and deliver unique giving experiences to the donors in your CRM.

A screenshot of iDonate's homepage.


Learn more about iDonate!


Funraise is one of the top Salesforce apps for nonprofits.


Overview of This Salesforce App for Nonprofits

Funraise is an online fundraising solution that offers donation forms, a mobile app, peer-to-peer fundraising, donor communications, and more. This Salesforce app allows you to create reports in Salesforce to view your fundraising data. You can also send donor and campaign information to Salesforce, such as demographics, contact information, donation data, and campaign data.

Why This Salesforce App Stands Out

Funraise finds important data about your donors, such as new donations, wealth scores, and even social media handles, and sends this information directly to your Salesforce database in real-time. This way, your team can get valuable insights and spend more time building relationships, rather than sifting through analytics.

A screenshot of Funraise's homepage.


Learn more about Funraise!

DocuSign is one of the top Salesforce apps for nonprofits.


Overview of This Salesforce App for Nonprofits

Nonprofits need to be able to easily manage contracts and other documents. DocuSign’s software allows you to easily send the right documents to the right audience. By digitizing your document management process, you’ll reduce the risk of human error, save time, and increase your team’s productivity.

Why This Salesforce App Stands Out

With DocuSign integrated into your Salesforce CRM, you can generate documents using data in your CRM, automate the document review processes, and locate documents from any device. Automate your document processes to save your time team and find the correct forms right at your fingertips.

A screenshot of DocuSign's homepage.


Learn more about DocuSign!

Mailchimp is one of the top Salesforce apps for nonprofits.


Overview of This Salesforce App for Nonprofits

Mailchimp is a marketing platform that allows organizations to reach out to their supporters via email. Once you’ve connected this Salesforce app to your CRM, you can use the data in your donor database to personalize your communications.

Auto-populate information in your emails, such as supporter names, and segment your supporters so they only receive communication that is relevant to them.

Why This Salesforce App Stands Out

Mailchimp offers excellent reporting tools that offer insights into your marketing efforts. Analyze your engagement levels and revenue reports, so you can learn more about your constituents and boost your campaign efforts.

A screenshot of MailChimp's homepage.


Learn more about Mailchimp!

Next Steps: Implement Your Nonprofit Salesforce Apps 

Keep in mind that successful integration with Salesforce apps can take time and effort, but the benefits in terms of efficiency, data accuracy, and improved constituent management can be substantial for your nonprofit. Regularly monitor your app’s performance and make adjustments as needed to optimize your nonprofit’s operations.

For more information on Salesforce apps, check out these additional resources: 

360Match is the top matching gift integration for Salesforce. Explore how 360MatchPro can maximize your nonprofit's matching gift revenue. Learn more.