Fundraising Automation for Nonprofits: How to Boost Revenue

Integrating technology into your nonprofit’s daily workflow allows you to achieve more for your mission in less time. Fundraising automation is a useful technological advancement for modern nonprofits, allowing you to free up time and resources for mission-critical activities like sending supporter communications and promoting matching gifts. However, many nonprofits continue to do manual tasks […]

Corporate Giving Programs: The Ultimate Social Impact Guide

Corporate giving programs are a structured way for businesses to give back to their community by financially supporting nonprofits. This empowers nonprofits to secure corporate support conveniently and can lead to mutually beneficial relationships between businesses and nonprofits. Whether you’re a business owner or a nonprofit professional, knowing all about corporate giving programs will set […]

Google Ad Grants Agencies: How to Pick The Best Partner

For nonprofits, Google represents an awesome marketing opportunity to grow their audiences and connect with motivated supporters. As one of the best examples of corporate philanthropy out there, Google offers free access to its Google Ads platform through the Google Ad Grant. The program requires some technical knowledge to navigate, which is why we recommend working […]

Matching Gift Eligibility: What Your Donors Should Know

A whopping 26 million individuals work for companies that offer matching gift programs. However, only 8% of donors know whether their employer offers matching gifts, their eligibility status, and how to apply for a matching gift. Information about matching gift programs is often easily accessible, but many supporters don’t know to look for it or whether doing […]

5 Trends in Corporate Philanthropy That Dictate the Future

The state of philanthropy is often difficult to measure. For instance, nonprofits in 2023 saw a 20-30% decline in donations on average. However, the amount given to nonprofits on GivingTuesday was up from the previous year, totaling $3.1 billion. With mixed signals like these, it can be difficult to know if changes in your nonprofit’s donations are reflective of […]

Hiring a Grants Consultant: How to Find the Right Fit

For nonprofits like yours, grant funding is a critical revenue source. Whether they come from government agencies, private or public foundations, or corporations, grants provide the financial flexibility you need to complete major projects and launch programs to further your mission. However, it takes a lot of time, effort, and resources to find and apply for […]

How You Can Unlock the Power of Corporate Matching Donations

Stop and think for a second: how many revenue sources does your nonprofit have? Do you primarily rely on contributions from individuals? Have a few grants? Maybe a corporate sponsor? Ideally, your nonprofit should have access to these channels and potentially even a few more income streams. By diversifying your revenue, your nonprofit will have […]

7 Canadian Companies With Matching Gift Programs to Know

If you’re searching for information on Canada matching gifts, you’ve come to the right place! As a nonprofit in the Canadian market, it can be challenging to secure corporate matching gifts from your donors’ employers. You’ll need to know which Canadian companies match donations and have a simple way to inform your donors of their eligibility. That’s […]

Volunteering Statistics for 2024: Explore Key Insights

Volunteering takes many forms. Running a bake sale to raise money for an elementary school, planting trees in a community park with a conservation nonprofit, and caring for a neighbor with an illness are all types of volunteering. Volunteering is part of the fabric of our society, ensuring we care for our neighbors and support […]

Data Ethics, Privacy: Questions in Matching Gift Fundraising

Data is a powerful resource for making strategic decisions. This idea is evidenced by McKinsey Global Institute’s claim that organizations backed by innovative data practices are 23 times more likely to acquire donors, consumers, and other essential stakeholders. In many ways, data has been established as a new currency in an information-driven era. As increased […]