What is a CSR Company? What to Know + Key Examples

What is a CSR Company? What to Know & Key Examples

Corporate Social Responsibility has become a vital aspect of how modern companies operate. In fact, participation in CSR demonstrates a commitment to making a positive impact on society beyond profit generation. As a result, a CSR company integrates responsible business practices into its core operations, focusing on ethical decision-making, environmental sustainability, social welfare, and more.

This means that companies well-versed in CSR aim to benefit not just their bottom line but also the communities and environments they interact with.

In this post, we’ll dive into what defines a top CSR company and highlight key examples of businesses that have embraced these principles to make a lasting difference. And we’ll do so by covering the following topics:

  • Understanding Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Characteristics of a Top CSR Company
  • How to Identify Top CSR Companies in Your Network
  • 14 CSR Companies with Programs You Should Know

Whether you’re a nonprofit looking to partner with a socially responsible business or a company wanting to enhance its CSR efforts, becoming knowledgeable regarding the key components of CSR is essential. So let’s start with the basics!

Understanding Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (also known as CSR) refers to the efforts made by businesses to contribute positively to society⁠—above and beyond their core profit-driven activities. Essentially, CSR is a business model that encourages companies to take ownership of their impact on social, environmental, and economic issues, fostering a better future for communities, employees, and the planet.

For both nonprofits and corporations, understanding the value of CSR can unlock powerful opportunities for collaboration and mutual growth.

Why CSR Matters for Businesses

For companies, CSR goes beyond philanthropy; it’s about integrating responsible practices into their everyday operations. This includes ethical labor practices, reducing environmental footprints, and actively supporting social causes.

Businesses that prioritize CSR see benefits such as:

  • Improved brand reputation: Consumers are increasingly drawn to companies that take meaningful action toward social and environmental causes.
  • Increased employee engagement: Employees take pride in working for socially responsible companies, leading to higher morale, retention, and productivity.
  • Better community relations: CSR strengthens relationships with local communities by addressing relevant social issues and contributing to positive change.

Why CSR Matters for Nonprofits & Schools

Nonprofits can directly benefit from a company’s CSR initiatives, too, gaining access to resources, funding, and volunteer support. Companies with strong CSR programs are often eager to partner with nonprofits that align with their mission, offering:

  • Corporate philanthropy: Through monetary donations, in-kind gifts, and employee matching programs, nonprofits can receive vital funding and resources.
  • Employee volunteerism: CSR-driven companies encourage their employees to volunteer, providing nonprofits with valuable human resources.
  • Long-term partnerships: Collaborating on CSR projects can lead to sustained relationships between nonprofits and companies, expanding the nonprofit’s reach and impact.

For both sectors, CSR offers a path to greater social impact. When companies and nonprofits collaborate, they can amplify their shared goals, driving meaningful and lasting change in communities and beyond.

Characteristics of a Top CSR Company

A top CSR company is distinguished by its deep commitment to creating positive social, environmental, and economic impacts. Here are the key characteristics that set these corporations apart:

What is a CSR company? Definition

Ethical business practices ⁠— Leading CSR companies are known for their strong ethical standards. They generally uphold fair labor practices, respect human rights, and ensure transparency across their supply chains. Their commitment to ethical behavior typically extends to their interactions with employees, customers, suppliers, and communities, too.

Commitment to sustainability ⁠— Top CSR companies should prioritize environmental sustainability throughout their operations⁠—including reducing carbon footprints, minimizing waste, adopting renewable energy, and developing sustainable products. For these businesses, sustainability is not just a one-time initiative but an integral part of their long-term strategy.

Strong community engagement ⁠— These companies invest in their communities by supporting local initiatives and nonprofits. They prioritize community well-being through charitable donations, volunteerism, and long-term partnerships aimed at solving social issues such as education, poverty, healthcare, and more.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) ⁠— A top CSR company fosters a diverse and inclusive workplace, promoting equal opportunities for all employees. They actively work to eliminate biases, champion DEI initiatives, and extend these efforts to their external community engagements.

Employee-centric programming ⁠— CSR leaders prioritize employee well-being through robust programs that promote physical, mental, and emotional health. They encourage employee engagement by offering volunteer opportunities, matching gift programs, and even professional development. As a result, their workplace culture fosters collaboration, growth, and purpose.

Transparent and public reporting ⁠— Lastly, top CSR companies are transparent about their efforts, publishing regular CSR or sustainability reports. They hold themselves accountable by setting measurable goals and reporting on progress to stakeholders, showcasing their successes and challenges in achieving social and environmental impact.

How to Identify Top CSR Companies in Your Network

For nonprofits, identifying top Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) companies within your network can open doors to valuable partnerships, funding, and volunteer support. Here are effective strategies for finding and engaging with these socially responsible businesses:

Collect and leverage donor employment information.

Your existing supporters may work for companies with robust CSR programs. But you won’t know you have that “in” until you have accurate and up-to-date employment information to compare against.

Thus, we recommend communicating with your supporters and encouraging them to check whether their employers offer matching gifts, volunteer grants, or other corporate donation programs. Often, the best place to collect this information is directly within your online donation pages!

Connect with board members and other key stakeholders.

Your donors can act as some of the best connections to local businesses and other potential CSR companies⁠—but they’re not the only key you have. Try checking if your board members or other dedicated stakeholders have existing relationships with charitable companies in your community.

If you’re able to uncover those connections, be sure to use them to your advantage. For example, ask a board member to make a warm introduction between your organization and a potential partner. They may even be willing to advocate for a partnership on your behalf!

Look for public CSR statements.

Top CSR companies often make public commitments to social and environmental causes. To find out which companies are prioritizing CSR, try looking at corporate websites for dedicated CSR or sustainability sections, where companies publish their goals, initiatives, and annual reports.

Disney's policy as a top CSR company

Additionally, keep an eye on industry news, as companies with strong CSR programs frequently announce nonprofit partnerships, significant philanthropic contributions, or new giving programs.

Utilize a CSR program database tool.

There are numerous online tools and databases that track companies with strong CSR initiatives. Platforms like Double the Donation offer comprehensive information on companies’ giving programs, including matching gifts, volunteer grants, and other forms of corporate philanthropy.

These resources can help you identify businesses that prioritize giving and align with your mission. Double the Donation’s database, for example, hosts information about more than 24,000 corporations and their giving programs⁠—and it even spotlights leading CSR companies with a “CLMA” designation badge!

Using a database to uncover top CSR companies

14 CSR Companies with Programs You Should Know

Tons of companies are investing in CSR⁠, but there are some that stand out as exemplary leaders in the space. From their innovative approaches to giving to impactful community engagement and more, these businesses set the gold standard for how corporate responsibility can drive meaningful change.

As a company, browse this list and be inspired by the following examples of standout initiatives⁠. Then, see which methods your team can adopt to give back in new ways.

As a nonprofit or school, we recommend keeping a record of these programs. From there, you can see which companies your supporters work for and identify any overlap with leading CSR companies like these.

Note; Each of the following companies has earned the CLMA designation, meaning it’s considered a Certified Leader in Matching Automation.

Top CSR companies - examples

CLMA badge indicating matching gift auto-submission availability1. Headspace Health

Headspace Health, known for its meditation and mindfulness services, incorporates CSR by prioritizing mental health and well-being. The company offers free mental health resources to underserved communities, partners with nonprofits to address mental health challenges globally, and emphasizes employee well-being through internal wellness programs.

Not to mention, the company matches employee donations to most 501(c)(3) organizations, offering auto-submission functionality to make participation in the program as easy as can be!

Learn more about this CSR company!

CLMA badge indicating matching gift auto-submission availability

2. Pebblebook Hotel Trust

Pebblebrook Hotel Trust, a real estate investment trust focusing on hospitality, integrates sustainability and philanthropy into its business model. The company prioritizes environmental responsibility in its hotel operations, including energy-efficient practices and waste reduction.

They also support local communities through donations, volunteer efforts, and partnerships with nonprofits⁠—including a matching gift program! In order to get involved, employees are encouraged to donate to qualifying educational institutions, community service agencies, environmental causes, health and welfare agencies, and more.

Learn more about this CSR company!

CLMA badge indicating matching gift auto-submission availability

3. Newport

Newport focuses on fostering community well-being through its CSR efforts. They support local communities by engaging in charitable giving, employee volunteerism, and corporate partnerships that drive positive social impact. While they vary, this company’s initiatives often focus on health, education, and social services.

In order to rally their employees around charitable causes, Newport also offers a leading matching gift program, doubling team members’ donations to qualifying nonprofit causes.

Learn more about this CSR company!

CLMA badge indicating matching gift auto-submission availability

4. Teachable

As an online education and learning platform, Teachable promotes CSR by empowering creators to share knowledge and build their businesses. The company supports educational access and works with organizations that promote digital learning.

Teachable also fosters a culture of inclusion and community engagement through various philanthropic efforts, including a matching gift program. Full- and part-time employees are encouraged to give back and get their gifts matched to go even further.

Learn more about this CSR company!

CLMA badge indicating matching gift auto-submission availability

5. Healthcare IT Leaders

Healthcare IT Leaders, a healthcare staffing and consulting company, emphasizes corporate giving and community service. The company encourages employee volunteerism and provides financial support to healthcare-related causes. Their CSR focus often aligns with improving health outcomes and supporting health-focused nonprofits.

One way that they do so is with a standout matching gift program, where employees are encouraged to get their donations matched on behalf of the nonprofits they support. And, as a CLMA-designated company, Healthcare IT Leaders offers matching gift auto-submission to make the process quick and straightforward with the click of a single button.

Learn more about this CSR company!

CLMA badge indicating matching gift auto-submission availability

6. Meow Wolf

Meow Wolf, an arts and entertainment company, is deeply committed to community engagement and creative education. Their CSR initiatives focus on supporting local artists, promoting inclusivity in the arts, and donating to organizations that focus on community well-being.

Plus, Meow Wolf also offers a powerful matching gift program, incentivizing employee giving by matching donations to the charitable causes they care about.

Learn more about this CSR company!

CLMA badge indicating matching gift auto-submission availability

7. VertexOne

VertexOne, a technology company providing customer service solutions for utilities, focuses its CSR efforts on environmental sustainability and community engagement. They support initiatives aimed at improving access to clean energy and water and promoting energy efficiency at the same time.

VertexOne also encourages employee giving and provides support for local charities through its CLMA-designated matching gift program.

Learn more about this CSR company!

CLMA badge indicating matching gift auto-submission availability

8. Abrigo

Abrigo, a financial technology company, promotes CSR through philanthropy and community involvement. The company supports financial literacy initiatives, partners with nonprofit organizations focused on economic empowerment and encourages employees to engage in volunteer activities.

Plus, one of the largest components of the company’s CSR strategy is its matching gift program, leveraging auto-submission to drive more employee engagement easier than ever before.

Learn more about this CSR company!

CLMA badge indicating matching gift auto-submission availability

9. Butcherbox

ButcherBox, a subscription-based meat delivery company, is committed to sustainability and ethical sourcing. Their CSR initiatives focus on supporting farmers who practice humane animal treatment and sustainable farming. ButcherBox also partners with organizations that promote food security and provides donations to food banks and hunger relief programs.

In addition, the company matches employee donations to a wide range of charitable groups, allowing team members to designate corporate funding to their favorite causes.

Learn more about this CSR company!

CLMA badge indicating matching gift auto-submission availability

10. Wilton & Bain

Wilton & Bain, a global executive search firm, integrates CSR by supporting initiatives that promote leadership diversity and inclusion. They provide pro-bono services to nonprofits and focus on empowering underrepresented groups in leadership positions.

The company also engages in community service and charitable donations, especially through its standout (and CLMA-certified) matching gift program.

Learn more about this CSR company!

CLMA badge indicating matching gift auto-submission availability

11. FCP Euro

FCP Euro, an automotive parts company, emphasizes environmental conservation and community involvement in its CSR efforts. In order to boost sustainability, the company promotes recycling and eco-friendly practices within its operations, too.

FCP Euro also provides financial and other resources to various charitable organizations, including those that its employees support with their own funds through its matching gift program and more.

Learn more about this CSR company!

CLMA badge indicating matching gift auto-submission availability

12. Mondrian Investment Partners

Mondrian Investment Partners, an investment management firm, focuses its CSR on responsible investing and sustainability. The company integrates Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors into its investment strategies and supports initiatives that promote financial literacy and community development.

Mondrian Investment Partners also gives back to its communities through a standout matching gift program in which employees are encouraged to support their favorite 501(c)(3) organizations⁠—and request a company match.

Learn more about this CSR company!

CLMA badge indicating matching gift auto-submission availability

13. Bespoke Post

Bespoke Post, a subscription box service, promotes social responsibility by partnering with small businesses and artisans to provide unique products. The company supports sustainable sourcing and emphasizes community engagement by giving back to causes that promote entrepreneurship and local economic growth. Not to mention matching donations to the organizations its employees support with their own dollars through a powerful matching gift program.

Learn more about this CSR company!

CLMA badge indicating matching gift auto-submission availability

14. Forward Financing

Forward Financing, a financial services company, focuses its CSR efforts on community service and employee engagement. They offer volunteer opportunities and donate to organizations that support small businesses and economic development.

The company also has initiatives that encourage employees to contribute to their local communities through financial support and volunteerism, including a leading matching gift program equipped with auto-submission functionality for seamless requests.

Learn more about this CSR company!

Wrapping Up & Further Reading

Corporate Social Responsibility is more than just a buzzword. It’s a framework that enables businesses to contribute meaningfully to the world around them while maintaining profitability and growth.

CSR companies that dedicate themselves to these practices demonstrate that success in today’s market involves more than financial performance. By highlighting key examples of companies that have effectively integrated CSR into their operations, we see how ethical practices can drive real impact, benefiting both businesses and society as a whole.

Interested in learning more about corporate social responsibility and how it can affect your team? Check out the following recommended resources:


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