Top Nonprofit Fundraising Statistics to Know: Updated 2024

These are the top nonprofit fundraising statistics you should know.

Fundraising is necessary for your nonprofit’s survival, but it’s also a resource- and time-intensive process. To help your organization understand what impacts donors’ decision to give, we’ve compiled some of the top nonprofit fundraising statistics to understand.

We’ve broken these stats into relevant categories to help you where you need it most:

  1. Overall Fundraising Statistics
  2. Email Fundraising Statistics
  3. Social Media Fundraising Statistics
  4. Online Donation Statistics
  5. Recurring Giving Statistics
  6. Mobile Giving Statistics
  7. Year-End Giving Statistics
  8. Corporate Giving Statistics

Note that while most of these statistics focus on donors in the United States and Canada, much of this information and the lessons they teach are relevant worldwide. Let’s jump in!

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1. Overall Fundraising Statistics

Several general fundraising statistics, written out below.

Here are some key overall fundraising statistics to help illustrate the current state of giving:

The takeaway? Pay attention to your individual donors’ preferences to cultivate lasting and valuable relationships. 

2. Email Fundraising Statistics

Several email fundraising statistics, written out below.

Here are some important email fundraising statistics to note:

The takeaway? Email is facing challenges, but it can still be an effective communication strategy when done strategically. Curate your content, be intentional with what your fundraising emails say, and segment your donors effectively

3. Social Media Fundraising Statistics

Several social media fundraising statistics, written out below.

These are some of the top social media fundraising statistics:

The takeaway? Social media is a viable marketing platform that can drive revenue if it’s backed up with the right content and engagement strategies. Otherwise, it can waste your nonprofit’s time and money. Post joyful content, understand what platforms your audience uses, and rethink purchasing social media ads if it’s not necessary for successfully reaching your audience

4. Online Donation Statistics

Several online fundraising statistics, written out below.

Check out these top online fundraising statistics:

When it comes to website security, 84% of nonprofits have an SSL certificate for their website, 68% of nonprofits have a plan in place in the event of a cyberattack, and 27% have experienced cyberattacks.

The takeaway? our website is the foundation for everything your nonprofit does, such as fundraising, promoting events, and communicating with your community. Even when other marketing channels have exciting opportunities, don’t neglect your website. Instead, make sure its design, functionality, and donor experience are high-quality.

5. Recurring Giving Statistics

Several recurring giving fundraising statistics, written out below.

Here are some important recurring giving statistics to note:

The takeaway? Encouraging recurring gifts is the single best and simplest thing you can do to grow your giving program sustainably. The fact that so few nonprofits ask for recurring gifts is shocking, so don’t be one of those organizations! Make active asks, steward, and thank your donors for their contributions, and survey them to learn more about their giving preferences.

6. Mobile Giving Statistics

Several mobile fundraising statistics, written out below.

Here are some important mobile giving statistics:

The takeaway? Mobile internet usage and donations are just as, if not more, popular as desktop giving. Expand your outreach through text messaging, check that you have accurate contact information with email and phone appends, and make sure your website is mobile-friendly. Use your mobile fundraising appeals intentionally, such as during events. Broad text campaigns can work, but only if your content and timing are right, such as texting for support in the wake of a natural disaster. 

7. Year-End Giving Statistics

Several year-end fundraising statistics, written out below.

Here are some key year-end giving statistics:

The takeaway? The end of the year is the most important time to fundraise. Plan your year-end fundraising strategy months in advance to be ready for Giving Tuesday and the holiday season. This is also a good time to try out new messaging strategies since engagement is likely to be high at this time of the year. However, since the total number of donors has declined in recent years, prioritizing retention might be the smart choice for next Giving Tuesday.

8. Corporate Giving Statistics

Several corporate fundraising statistics, written out below.

Take a look at these noteworthy corporate giving statistics:

The takeaway? Corporate philanthropy, and specifically workplace giving, offers a powerful fundraising source, though it continues to be underused by nonprofits everywhere. Matching gifts are a particularly easy way to get started, so start pursuing these opportunities.

Additional Resources on Nonprofit Fundraising

Statistics provide your nonprofit with a useful baseline to measure your efforts and make strategic decisions about future projects. When exploring statistics, remember to take the full range of nonprofits—from one-man teams to globe-spanning operations—into account. This means most nonprofits will find themselves perfectly aligned with some stats and straying far from others.

To get an even stronger understanding of modern nonprofit and fundraising statistics, explore these resources:

Set your nonprofit up for future success. Discover how matching gift software can help you take advantage of corporate philanthropy trends.