Entries by 360MatchPro

Date of Birth Appends: Does Your Nonprofit Need One?

Is today your birthday? Probably not, but chances are that it’s at least a few of your donors’ birthdays! To know for sure, nonprofits can use date of birth appends. With this information, you can unlock new ways to connect with donors, improve donor relations, and even launch more fundraisers. But just what are data appends, […]

Phone Appending: The Secret to Better Marketing Results

Did you know that email marketing databases degrade by about 22.5% every year? Imagine what reaching 22.5% more donors during your next fundraising campaign could do for your cause! That’s where phone appending can help. By updating and adding phone numbers to your existing records, you can clean your data and ensure communications are successfully […]

15+ Best Employee Recognition Platforms to Empower Your Team

Effective recognition strategies motivate 80% of employees to work harder and reduce turnover rates by 31%. But even with well-planned tactics, such as corporate philanthropy or employee rewards, your strategy may lack an essential element to success: employee recognition platforms. The right tools can standardize, streamline, and enhance your employee recognition efforts. In this guide, […]

How Donor Employer Information Boosts Fundraising + Workplace Giving

As a nonprofit (or school) fundraising professional, you surely want to raise as much revenue as possible to go toward your mission. When it comes to optimizing your organization’s supporter engagement and fundraising strategies, having access to donor employer information can play a notable role in your levels of success. But how? Here are four […]

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Fundraising Automation for Nonprofits: How to Boost Revenue

Integrating technology into your nonprofit’s daily workflow allows you to achieve more for your mission in less time. Fundraising automation is a useful technological advancement for modern nonprofits, allowing you to free up time and resources for mission-critical activities like sending supporter communications and promoting matching gifts. However, many nonprofits continue to do manual tasks […]


Google Ad Grants Agencies: How to Pick The Best Partner

For nonprofits, Google represents an awesome marketing opportunity to grow their audiences and connect with motivated supporters. As one of the best examples of corporate philanthropy out there, Google offers free access to its Google Ads platform through the Google Ad Grant. The program requires some technical knowledge to navigate, which is why we recommend working […]

Matching Gift Eligibility: What Your Donors Should Know

A whopping 26 million individuals work for companies that offer matching gift programs. However, only 8% of donors know whether their employer offers matching gifts, their eligibility status, and how to apply for a matching gift. Information about matching gift programs is often easily accessible, but many supporters don’t know to look for it or whether doing […]