Challenge Gifts: An Ultimate Guide to Winning More Donations

As a nonprofit fundraising professional, you work hard to secure every gift for your cause. Between coming up with innovative fundraising ideas and refining your existing strategies, there’s a lot that goes into cultivating a strong community of support for your nonprofit. How can you inspire more donors and amplify the impact of their generosity? Challenge […]

Matching Gift Auto-Submission + CSR Platforms: What to Know

Corporate matching gift programs are an opportunity for nonprofits to earn more revenue without straining their donors’ budgets. Historically, however, eligible donors have faced roadblocks that keep them from taking part in these initiatives. Fortunately, matching gift auto-submission is here to streamline the matching gifts process and deliver fast, reliable results. In this guide, we’ll […]

Top 16 Corporate Giving & Philanthropy Statistics [2023]

Corporate giving is a type of philanthropy in which corporations give to nonprofit causes, through both monetary and non-monetary contributions. However, many organizations don’t spend a lot of time pursuing this fundraising channel. That’s why it’s important to understand the impact that corporate philanthropy and workplace giving can have on nonprofits. Whether a company matches […]

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): What Fundraisers Should Know

If you’re a nonprofit professional trying to determine how corporate social responsibility applies to your organization, you’re in the right place! Corporate social responsibility can have a huge impact on not only your organization’s revenue but also your relationships with companies. In this guide, we’ll outline what exactly corporate social responsibility is, as well as […]

The Role of Workplace Giving in Advancing Educational Institutions

Today, the success and growth of educational institutions relies not only on the efforts of educators and their staff but also on the financial and other support of their surrounding communities. One powerful way that individuals and corporations contribute to the advancement of these institutions is through workplace giving. This practice, often facilitated by generous […]

Free Nonprofit Marketing Tools You Need To Amplify Support

Through nonprofit marketing, organizations can find prospective supporters, retain existing ones, and inspire action for their causes. If your nonprofit is looking to stand out among the many others vying for support, you’ll have to get creative. Fortunately, there are numerous free nonprofit marketing tools available to aid your efforts. In this guide, we’ll explore […]

How to Optimize Your Google Ad Grant Account in 6 Steps

You recognized how valuable the Google Ad Grant could be for your nonprofit, you completed the application process, and your nonprofit received the grant. Congratulations! Now that you have the grant, it’s time to use it to reach new audiences and drive traffic to your nonprofit website. If you don’t know how to get started or you’re […]

6 Matching Gift Secrets From Top Peer-to-Peer Nonprofits

Looking for new ways to elevate your organization’s matching gift strategy? Worried that you might be overlooking simple methods used by the industry’s leading nonprofit fundraisers? Wondering if there are matching gift secrets that can help your team raise more while maximizing engagement with supporters? Buckle up! It’s time to explore top tips and tricks […]

Winning Workplace Giving Strategies & How to Leverage Them

According to corporate philanthropy studies, businesses provide over $29 billion to nonprofits each year⁠—and the number continues to grow. Much of that funding comes from a smaller subcategory of corporate philanthropy known as workplace giving strategies, in which a company’s employees play an active role in giving. There’s a lot that nonprofits can do to better position themselves to […]

How to Apply for the Google Ad Grant: Basics + Steps

Online visibility draws crowds, and no platform is more important for your organization to be visible on than Google. When it comes to paid advertising, Google Ads have the highest return on investment for nonprofits with an average ROI of $4.78. Those same reports also show that 98% of searchers will only click pages that appear on […]