Entries by Adam Weinger

CSR in Action: 9 Corporate Social Responsibility Examples

Nonprofits aren’t the only organizations that can make a positive social impact. In fact, trends in corporate social responsibility (CSR) show that in addition to large corporations, small and medium-sized businesses have also recently started launching their own philanthropy programs. Businesses of all sizes and in all industries have the power to make a difference […]

Challenge Gifts: An Ultimate Guide to Winning More Donations

As a nonprofit fundraising professional, you work hard to secure every gift for your cause. Between coming up with innovative fundraising ideas and refining your existing strategies, there’s a lot that goes into cultivating a strong community of support for your nonprofit. How can you inspire more donors and amplify the impact of their generosity? Challenge […]

Workplace Giving Software: A Guide to Increase Engagement

Modern companies understand that, to stay competitive in their industries, they must demonstrate more than just an interest in profits. Whether you’re a business owner looking to recruit and engage top talent for your teams or a nonprofit aiming to raise support from corporate partners, workplace giving is one effective way to boost your results. […]

A Smart Guide to Unlocking the Power of CSR Software

There’s a lot to keep track of when it comes to your company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs. After all, an effective CSR strategy should cover a wide area of initiatives, from your social and environmental impact to your economic practices. That’s where CSR software comes in. By leveraging a CSR platform, your company can better […]

23+ Corporate Volunteer Ideas to Build A Better Community

As the early morning sun cascades over a small town, a group of employees in company t-shirts gathers in a local park. Their chatter fills the air as they prepare for a day of thoughtful volunteering. Corporate volunteer ideas like the example above can be a wonderful way to engage employees, recruit talented individuals, and […]

How to Develop a Corporate Charitable Giving Policy: A Guide

As a modern company, you’ve likely heard all about corporate giving. With 94% of major U.S. corporations planning to increase or maintain their current charitable giving programs over the next few years, corporate giving certainly isn’t just another workplace trend. While you may already have corporate giving initiatives in place, it can be difficult for […]

Engaging Your Employees With Employee Engagement Software

Technology has revolutionized nearly every aspect of how companies conduct business, including their ability to connect with employees. From appreciation programs to facilitating employee giving, technology makes your business more efficient, organized, and transparent. However, your work isn’t done after you upgrade to the latest technology. After all, your team needs to adopt each software […]